
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My Kids Are Better Than Yours

No, they aren't. They're the same. They may not act just like your kids and sometimes they may even be better behaved and they may be more developmentally advanced. Don't be discouraged by other moms who say their kids do this or that. Don't feel bad when another mom says "my kid does all of her chores every single day, does yours?", and yours doesn't. Is that important? Are you a better person today because you did every single chore you were supposed to do? Nope. You are better, different and who you are because you learned whatever it was you learned while you were doing something OTHER than some mundane daily chores. Are you less of an adult? Less responsible? Less satisfied with your life? Likely, no. And if you are, those feelings are more of a result of how your parents treated you because you didn't comply and less likely a result of your regret for skipping your chores.

My point is... someone will act as though their children and maybe even their family is doing everything right and therefore better than you and yours but it's just not true. What may be the best for THEM may just be that. THEIR BEST. But it's not yours. And if anyone even attempts to come across catty, bitchy, better than you, it is because THEY feel they aren't. Plain and simple and TRUE.

I see a lot of so-called super moms out there, planning pinterest-worthy parties, baking cookies every other day, having immaculate homes, acting like their kids are god's gift. The fact is, if your house is immaculate daily, you are probably not spending as much time with your kids as you could be, you are likely tired and stressed (triggering your OCD and making you just repeat the cycle). If you are wasting all your time acting superior, you can bet the rest of the women around you can see right through you. They've been there. They have tried to be perfect... super mom. It didn't work. It's not a thing. It doesn't really exist. Everyone around you wonders where you're lacking, and you ARE.

I'll be the first to admit that my house is usually pretty damn clean. It really is. I use ANY free time I have to catch up on laundry, cleaning the kitchen, bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, etc. It still never gets done in a day and certainly not every day. There is not ONE day where every part of my home is clean all at one time. NEVER. I wish. The reason why, and the only reason why, is that I'm busy with my kids and life in general. Also, I do bake and decorate and complete projects around the house. I just don't do all of those things at once.

There is a lot of mom on mom hate but really, everyone just wants to be right and they can't be right for everyone. They can only be right for their own families. Keep that in mind.

This adorable baby girl is WAYYYY more important than trying to look good for stupid moms...




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